Score: Rabble 1, Elite 0 You know all the talk about how the “elite” are in charge and ruining the country has been making the rounds among all the (elite) media, talking heads and politicians, right? Well, I thought it was about time to see how this charge is holding up now that this “deplorable” campaign season is over. Here’s how I see it: Essentially, the elite gave us Hillary. Now you can love her or you can hate her but the fact is that she was a deeply flawed and unpopular candidate; it may not be totally fair but she lost and there you have it. Despite her resume, in a normal election there is NO WAY she should ever have been a candidate. However, she was clearly the candidate that the elite (at least on the Democrats side) wanted. And they got her. On the other side, the rabble (sorry, can’t think of a better name for the opposite of elite) gave us The Donald. Despite the herculean efforts of the Republican elite to stop him, they had a candidate who, i...