Uh oh, kind of crappy weather here so time to ponder big thoughts. Crappy but big ones. My bride recently made a marvelous post about the wonderful Muslim lady from French Guinea who tended her dad while he was in great decline from Alzheimer’s; that’s my inspiration today. We’re only 10 days into the reign of our man/child king and it is not too soon to draw some conclusions. But first a disclaimer: I have followed Trump for over 10 yrs due to my interest in business and financial stuff (interest in, not skill.) I have disliked him intensely pretty much from the get go. I don’t like his mannerisms, his over-the-top speech and gestures, his preposterous boastfulness (that seems to hide some Freudian issues). Most of all I hate his hair. You don’t have to be a Trump disliker though (hate is such a strong word) to be getting a little nervous about the dude who is proving to be the same petty, lying sociopath as president as he was as a candidate. Quibbling about crowd size? ...
Showing posts from January, 2017