The 13 th and Last (Probably) Solstice Story Or Early Pederson Family Solstice Celebration (Which has since been somewhat modified) Light at the End of the Solstice Tunnel As you know I am one of those people who enthusiastically embrace the solstice. Well, really only the winter solstice (I hate its evil summer twin.) As a Minnesotan, and noted winter-denier, I have looked forward to it as the greatest day of the year for many years. It’s the day that heralds the VERY early return of summer breezes , short nights, flip flops - and early tee times! To celebrate this great occasion, annually I have sponsored Solstice S’mores for the neighborhood and written humorous (I hope) paeans to the solstice for you, dear friends and relatives, to help endure the long dark night that is our winter. I can’t break with tradition totally but somehow I think I must take a little different direction this year. Now that I have taken my 70 th ...