Healthcare as the Moai A recent article in the Strib said the annual cost of healthcare that a company pays for a family is now about $20,000/yr - which somehow reminded me of something totally different, the Moai. Are you familiar with the Moai? They are those statues with giant heads that made Easter Island famous. It seems that the early Eastern Islanders were so fascinated with them – inexplicably – that everyone on the island did nothing but build statues. Perpetually. What, you may ask, does this have to do with healthcare and, more importantly, you? Bear with me. In addition to the company's $20,000 the employee is on the hook for about $10,000. Wrap your head around that! Along with Medicare, Medicaid and VA it all adds up to about $3.8 TRILLION/yr or almost 18% of the entire economy – and growing 5% or more each year (while the economy is growing around 2%.) That's about 50% more than the whole manufacturing industry and equal to the entire housi...