After a bit of holiday cheer (okay, quite a bit), I thought I should share these thoughts with you. I apologize in advance. Children of the northern hemisphere rejoice - it is the most wonderful time of the year! I’m speaking of course of the winter solstice. Anyone who knows me well knows that it is the one day of the year that I am guaranteed to be my most optimistic and cheerful. (Although generally cheerful, seldom have I been optimistic lately.) Ah, the solstice, that specific, singular point in earth orbital time when mundane planetary movements take on a special meaning to our species. Okay, maybe not all of us but at least those of us that are prone to depression in winter. Join me now as we go back in time. It is not hard to imagine the Druids prancing around and peering into the deep December dusk as the sun disappears below the horizon exactly where it should between the mammoth stones. Then enduring the darkness and hoping that it reappears j...