Winter Solstice 2020 - Annus Horribilis

Solstice Dawn (Geez, seems like it shows up in same spot every year!) Annus Horribilis. (No, it doesn't mean horrible pain in the ass - although this year might qualify.) It means "Horrible year" and that's what Queen Elizabeth thought of her 1992. Kinda makes you wonder what she thinks of this year. Anyway, it's been a stinker alright but hold fast, the greatest day of the year is at hand! For the past many years I have done my best with various solstice stories to help my fellow Northern Hemispherians get through this longest of nights. I had hoped that I could retire or at least slack off a bit but no, this horribilis year requires that I man up and see you through this vale of tears once again. This has been a terrible year, no doubt about it, a horrible year and some say the worst ever. But is it? Let's see: 1347AD , Black Death, 200 million dead. 1520 , Hernan Cortez invades Mexico, kills of 9 of 10 Aztecs through war and disease. 1943 , WWII rages,...