There Will Never Be Anyone Like the Lootz Nov 23 1948 - Jul 2 2020 Three Amigos in FL Preparing for Senior Tour - Circa 2011 (and Bob with his beloved peeper keepers!) “So, what are your wrists doing in your backswing, do you pronate or supinate?” Bob once asked me, regarding my crappy golf swing. (My answer is unprintable here.) That, in a capsule, was Bob Luttio, pondering the imponderable in a way that was wholly unique. Bob was one of the first guys I met when I joined the 96TAS in 1975. He was pretty new to the unit as well so maybe that’s why we gravitated together. It’s either that or he saw a kindred spirit who enjoyed the occasional adult beverage and discussing arcane topics (with one of us not nearly as deep as the other.) It was the beginning of a 45 year friendship that ended far too soon. To say that the air force was a strong connection would be an understatement that can’t be overstated. We had many friends – and adventures - in common which o...