Marc Gilbertson Aug 30 1949 - Jul 30 2020 I think everyone knows that as you get older, especially as you get really older, you should expect to start losing things: your hair, your memory, your energy . . . your friends. However, I don’t think anyone expects to lose two friends – two good, dear friends - in the span of less than a month. It’s just not right, especially when they had so much life ahead of them. I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s right, nobody said that life is fair. There is a special place in my heart for Marc and there is an additional sad irony that as with Bob Luttio, who was also a friend of Marc's, I had known him since 1975. They were totally different people yet only in their personalities not in the depth of our friendship. (Keeping a friendship going for 45 years shows what kind of people they both were.) Marc and friends - brief respite from hardworking AF Trip to Utah When I joined the unit Marc was this big, handsome dude that wa...