Babyboomer Presidents

Baby Boomer Presidents I’m a baby boomer, as are most of my friends along with about 20% of the American population. You know, this huge group that, as Ken Dychtwald so elegantly put it, is moving through our society like a pig through a python - and many of us are now staring at the tail! Something recently dawned on me. We had four consecutive presidents from my generation (before we backed up one generation for the current one.) That's 28 years of baby boomer presidential leadership: two Democrats, one Republican and an “Other.” Surely, we can draw some conclusions about how they did now. So who are these guys? First, Bubba . If you advertised for the position of baby boomer president, William Jefferson Clinton (young, born 1946) would probably be precisely the kind of person that you would want. From a humble background, he was highly educated, fancied h...