Dougie's Big Adventure at the Hospital or . . .

. . . Sorry, Too Much Time on My Hands “Have you pee’d today, Mr Pederson? (she pronounced it “PETERson”) asked the nice nurse. Me, “No.” “Have you farted yet, Mr Pederson?” asked the kindly nurse’s aide. Me, indignantly “No, I have not passed flatus!” Welcome to potty training, age 73. And welcome to recovery from surgery. Recently (Jul 28th) I had a major and fairly complex surgery on my lower back. I used to joke that what I lacked above the shoulders I made up for below them. Ooops, not so much anymore. But allow me to back up to the beginning of this tale of woe. About a year and a half ago I started gimping around with some stupid pains in my right leg. Luckily, since it happened in FL, nobody actually noticed given all the other geezers gimping around. So like any proud guy . . . I ignored it. But not for long. Finally, just to make Mrs Dear Leader happy, I visited her FL chiropractor. (The gall of her, getting mad at me for complai...