I Blame the Constitution
Not for everything and certainly not enough to attack the Capital but, yeah, I blame the Constitution. I blame it for being intentionally immutable. And for being the excuse for some of the most uncivil and preposterous behavior by our citizens in many generations. Most of all I blame it because it didn't preclude our government from becoming as corrupt and dysfunctional as the Founding Fathers worst fears. I spent 28 years in the military defending it against enemies foreign and domestic and proud of my service so please bear with me. The Constitution, l ike the Bible has a mythological aspect - unquestionable and perfect. Also like the Bible, therefore, many ideas need to be translated into the modern world and language. Whenever you interpret something, however, especially something created a long time ago, much can be lost – or added – in translation. (That’s one reason that Thomas Jefferson suggested that the Constitution be reviewed and updated about every twenty ...