The Letter

Just about a year ago now I received a letter, registered mail, the contents of which were right out of a movie script. It was surprising, powerful and life-changing – and not a little scary. It also has proved again what a lucky guy I am. I am the rare person who understands how lucky he is. No, really, this isn't false modesty, I mean it. And not win the lottery lucky or lucky dodging bullets – rhetorical and actual – but lucky in the most important way; life just always works out for me. I grant you that if you set your expectations low enough that will always be true, and that may be true with me too, but still, I know my luck far exceeds my skills. The letter was like those that bring news of the passing of an unknown relative who is leaving you all their substantial money. One minute you’re an everyday schlump and the next day you’re driving a Bentley - Hot damn! Speaking of luck, you could start with something I have in common with all my fellow baby boomers. That is...