Hurricane Ian, Butterflies and The Matrix

Dedicated to my friends in FL, NV and AZ With special music by Lizzy Rain! After the interruption for that very important post about the end of the golf season I can get back to my more normal kvetching about something. There is nothing new about us humans building in weird or obviously inhospitable places - some might even include MN in that category - because it has been a human habit throughout our fairly brief stint on this planet. It is also not news that we have a heck on impact on the environment wherever we go. A couple letters to the editor back in October got me thinking about this. (You've probably noted that I get a lot of ideas from fellow gadflies who write letters or opinions to the newspaper.) The letters on 10/15 were regarding the aftermath of Hurricane Ian and 1 0/16 on a sad story relating to the disappearing butterflies. R espectively, they made arguments pro and con about rebuilding in a hurri...