Geezers Share Their Wisdom . . .

. . . Hard Earned Wisdom S erendipity strikes again! I was just about to waste a day or two of New Mexico weather too chilly (for me) to play golf in order to write some boring thing about babyboomers retiring then moving to and screwing up yet another beautiful area. When suddenly into my inbox pops a post by a young man who regularly writes thought provoking articles. I have often jokingly (I think) said that wisdom, as it relates to getting older, is overrated. In fact, I might be willing to trade 10 or 20 years of wisdom for 5 or 10 years of youth. While that may still be true, I recently learned that I might want to be very careful of what I traded; stuff that I thought was worthless might not be. Who knew, I might actually know good stuff! (Take that my doubting Thomas friends!) Okay, I'm sorry, that's not funny, just a little Soylent Green humor This young writer’s name is Sahil Bloom and he writes a newsletter that I now receive twice a week. In it he s...