The Seinfeld Post

A Post About Nothing I've had some time on my hands during this recent stretch of hot smokey, weather and I got kinda cranky and bored. It's a very dangerous thing, me having time on my hands. It doesn't help that, along with a lot of other people, we recently had hail damage (new roof, car totaled.) We also found out - $2000 dollars later - that Dear Prudence has diabetes. Great. The pièce de résistance: just this week we discovered we have a cracked sewer pipe. Hey, no problem what's another 10 grand - ha, I laugh at adversity! With that said, let's get on with the hilarity. I can also admit now that I'm a hoarder. I hoard tons newspaper and magazine articles, thoughts on various books I’ve read and even some doggerel that I wrote as an angst-ridden young man - angst that life has beaten out of me. Much of which is of very minimal value. (I didn’t say I was a good hoarder.) Basically, I collect ideas for things to write about but then lose track of them. ...