Giving the Equinox its Due

As many of you know I am somewhat of a fanatic about the two solstices; hate for the summer but love of the winter. While pondering my navel recently - during my first bout of covid - it suddenly occurred to me that I have spent all my time pontificating about the two solstices and haven’t given any attention to the two equinoxes, vernal or autumnal. Lucky for you on this auspicious date I am about to fix that. (By the way, for you Latin scholars equinox means “equal night.” Duh.) In many respects the equinoxes are more important than the solstices. After all, not much happens on the solstice (if you disregard height of summer and beginning of winter) but the equinoxes have a lot going on. Both days are pretty cool although I must admit that I have a little less enthusiasm about the vernal one. That's because we all know what comes after it: The. Worst. Day. of. the. Year. (For celestial non- zealots that’s the summer solstice when it all starts heading downhil...