Out of the Cradle . . .

. . .To an Uncertain Future Please note: I started this before the tragedy that is the Israeli/Hamas terrorist mess in the middle east. I don't think it changes anything here and in fact might add more relevance. You can be the judge though. A couple of recent articles in the paper regarding Biden’s plan to expand the border wall and the new surge in migrants (10/6 and 10/8 respectively) add more sadness to an already tragic but mostly ignored story. The wall may seem necessary, and perhaps it is, but in the end it will just be another thumb in the dike of a migrant flood. And it is a worldwide tragedy. About 20,000 migrants have died since 2014 trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, many of them children. Over 850 died just in 2022 trying to get to the US, again many of them children. For me these news items are also particularly timely for another reason. I recently watched a documentary called “Out of the Cradle.” It was...