Home Schooling for Everyone?

An Old Guy’s View of the School Controversy One parents' view As the Florence Nightingale of Bryn Mawr I go about my duties quietly and without complaint, slaving night and day to make Mrs DL comfortable after her surgery. In fact, I actually made a meal the other day with three different ingredients that did NOT include water, wieners and beans! That said, I feel I can take a break from my caregiving to share some deep thoughts (from a shallow mind?) about the current state of education in the US. There was an article in the Star and Sickle back on 1/21 regarding the Anoka-Hennepin school board and their difficulty in selecting a president due to conflicting views of the board members. If you haven't been paying attention, this is just the latest example of a phenomenon not just here in Minnesota but across the country. Ostensibly it is about how much input parents should have to their kid’s curricula. While that is certainly part of it, I believe it is a...