Father's Day and Other Summer Delights

Dads and June Yes, I know, Dear Leader offering another light hearted post? Just remember, this is an election year and there will be plenty of time for crappy serious stuff so don't get overly giddy. Schools out - No more pencils, No more books No more teacher's dirty looks!* If May is the prelude what then is June? Flag Day, Juneteenth, Father's Day and the Summer Solstice . And just the beginning of summer. Now I know what you’re thinking. You are expecting either my usual whining about how little recognition we fathers get or how the solstice is the end of summer and beginning of our slippery slope to winter. While both are true, I am going to break out of my predictable rut to bring sunshine and warm breezes to you. I'm going to write about all the positive things that June and summer bring. Or at least try. Let us start with this. June is the gateway to the full monty * of a Minnesota summer. As a counter to the sadness of owning t...