Time to Say Goodbye

"Avoid Becoming an Act of Force and Not of Right . . ." A Time to Say Goodbye This is not what I wanted to post today but it is what I thought I had to. We have so many issues to deal with in our country but I think this is one we will really need to face in the near future. I take no pleasure in this post. I spent 28 years in the military ostensibly defending the Constitution and being proud of that, I gotta say this is really uncomfortable. We, the Supreme Court, beg to differ That being said, I’m sorry old friend, but it’s finally time to say goodbye. You’ve been around for centuries yet it seems like just yesterday that our best and brightest sat down in a hot, stuffy building in Philadelphia and glued you together from a bunch of mismatched pieces. You have been through wars, depressions, good times and bad. You helped as we went from a small backwater country to the most powerful nation in the world. Your genius was in being almost a gymnast in your flexibility ...