Deep Breath. .

"Good Times, Bad Times . . . You Know I've Had My Share" (Led Zeppelin 1969) After a lot of ominous news and scary headlines - including some of my own somber assessments of our country - it occurred to me that i t's impossible to live in a constant state of fear; some balance is necessary. Humans, by nature, are optimistic (albeit sometimes with zero reason!) so this is my effort to restore a little balance here. For example . . . Every election is touted as the most important one ever and I suppose in their own way they are. This one is certainly different and consequential and is especially true with recent electoral upheaval. We went from one with two unpopular, geriatric candidates to one with the oldest candidate ever (clearly, also with advanced dementia) who happens to be a convicted felon and an insurrectionist. Oh yeah, he also had two (very poor) assassination attempts made a...