
Showing posts from February, 2025

AI Explaned

  AI for View Askewites Editorial notice: First an apology. A few folks did not care for my rather polemic post about our current political/government "situation." I'd like to think it's not because they disagree with what I said but simply don't want to hear about it. Whatever. It occurred to me, though, that even I can't face reading anything about this mess in the paper so a light bulb comes on!  I promise I will not knowingly share any of my own apparently frightening political views with you; I will do my very best to keep them to myself. That doesn't mean that any of us can ignore what's going on or normalize it but you're a smart person and can figure out what, if anything, you need to do given your own situation. (But if you want some suggestions just ask.) Enough said. Albert AI at your service Okay, I have to admit I was going to explain how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin work but I changed my mind. Even if I could understand it - a task ...