Some Perspective to Help You Through 2017 Does the thought of what the new year will bring got you down, Bunky? Feeling like the country is heading in the w rong direction? That it could, in fact, be the end of America? Well buck up, I solved your solstice sorrows and I have the cure for this malady too! We've seen this movie before - Please read on to see how other years started and then answer the simple question at the end. (All info from various sources, Wikipedia.) Jan 1918 - the first wave of the great flu pandemic was winding down in the US, finally dying out completely in April. Estimates say that between 50 and 100 million people were killed world-wide, more than the Black Death plague. In the U.S. about 28% of the population became infected; 500,000 to 675,000 killed over 12 months - that would be over 29 MILLION dead today. On top of this WWI was still going strong. We lived through it. Jan 1932 - the country was mired in the depth...