Memorial Day 2021 – Celebrating the End of Two Wars

Part I Warriors Helping Their Neighbors Memorial Day this year has special significance, it’s the 50 th anniversary as an official national holiday that is dedicated to honor those who have died in service to their country. As such it is among our most solemn and saddest of holidays. Yet this year there are two great events to actually celebrate. First, after 20 long years, all our troops will finally be home from Afghanistan! I have shared before my thoughts on the futility and senselessness of nearly all wars and especially this latest one, the longest in our history. (See Part II below) As a retired officer with 28 years of service and a participant in three such wars I feel some license to do so. At the same time, I pay the highest honor to my fellow vets and current members of the military who have sacrificed so much for so long. Welcome home, troops! This Memorial Day we have something else to recognize. While we pay homage to those who have served in the military, it...