The Last Leaf

My oldest daughter recently sent me something that, at first blush, is perfect for a leaf watching meditation and it certainly is that. Of course, as you will see, this verse can mean different things to different people and for many different reasons. As for me, as a lot of people have noted, I've had a pretty negative outlook for quite some time (although sadly as one looks around my country, I may have good reason.) So this lovely piece was very timely because it forced me to have an attitude check that I definitely needed. It may not negate the things have made me feel so sour but it reminded me that it's easy to let the minutiae of modern life take on a role well beyond their actual importance. It said, "Come on, pal, it's time to step back and get a grip, focus on t hings like family, friends and how you are living your life instead of crap you can't control." Alrighty then! Obviously and most importantly this contemplation also speaks to the biggest ...