Memorial Day 2023

Remembering the Unsung Heroes Long Sad Line of the Fallen Another Memorial Day has arrived and with it our annual visit to a cemetery. It is a small but important rite as we honor those who died while in service to their country. As a retired veteran myself – and pleased to still be on this side of the grass - I naturally have a certain affinity for honoring all my fellow vets who have, as the old song said of a soldier’s passing, 'just faded away' before me. While this day is dedicated to vets who sacrificed their lives in combat, and properly so, of the millions of military personnel who have served over the years this is a relatively small (thankfully) but sacred cohort. Something that most civilians aren't aware of though is the large number of vet’s who never make it to combat before dying. I’m not talking about the tragic losses due to suicide, murder or car accidents that all societies endure. I am referring to those who died in training for war. Familiar to ...