
Showing posts from September, 2024

Getting Older - Not for Sissies!

It Ain't Over 'til it's Over!   (Brought to you AI-free) I have wanted to create a post with no politics, philosophy, economics or (alleged) humor for quite a while; just a post about the vagaries of life. Some time ago i n my internet wanderings,  I stumbled upon the  question/answer social media site Quara.  Among the many political arguments,  er, discussions,  I discovered responses by  older Quara users  to two different questions: one was for positive things about aging and the other the opposite.  Bingo,  I had my topic!   Of course, it happens to everyone but if you’re like me it seems like  one day it  just  sneaked up on me on little cat’s feet  – and pee'd on my shoes!     Anyway, it is something I, for better or worse, have first hand experience with (and strong opinions about.)  As an aside, one of my daughters has a PhD in Gerontology (yahoo!) so  Dear Leader gets lots of positive vibes and reinforcement in this whole aging thing - thanks only to  her infi