Time to get off our . . .

Shortly after the election my son told me all of this was going to happen, especially the new assault on the civil service (he works for the VA) but I more or less pooh poohed him; I thought that he was just being an alarmist or paranoid. Sadly, it is now obvious that I was wrong and he was right. Hopefully you have been paying attention to the news about the recent changes being implemented – or attempts at implementation – by the Trump administration. If not, don’t be intimidated by the flood of orders coming out of the White house, their intent is to overwhelm us, but check out what they are attempting to do for yourself. This may just sound like run of the mill politics but it is not and we must not normalize it. Of course many (most?) of us will not be directly harmed by most of these things but that is exactly what thugs and dictators do – attack those with the weakest voice first. Whatever you may think about the desirability or efficacy of these proposed “improvem...