Time to get off our . . .


Shortly after the election my son told me all of this was going to happen, especially the new assault on the civil service (he works for the VA) but I more or less pooh poohed him; I thought that he was just being an alarmist or paranoid. Sadly, it is now obvious that I was wrong and he was right.

Hopefully you have been paying attention to the news about the recent changes being implemented – or attempts at implementation – by the Trump administration. If not, don’t be intimidated by the flood of orders coming out of the White house, their intent is to overwhelm us, but check out what they are attempting to do for yourself. This may just sound like run of the mill politics but it is not and we must not normalize it. 

Of course many (most?) of us will not be directly harmed by most of these things but that is exactly what thugs and dictators do – attack those with the weakest voice first. Whatever you may think about the desirability or efficacy of these proposed “improvements“ make no mistake, they are dangerous and are directly out of the right-wing Project 2025 that Trump denied any knowledge of. (BTW Trump's new director of the OMB was an author of that document.) And this is just the beginning of trying to remake the government into a Third Reich-type cult of personality. You need look no further than most of the people who Trump has selected to run the most important government departments (plus noted fascist and employment expert, Elon Musk.) Unqualified election-deniers and cultists all - or just plain mentally ill.

I apologize for sounding shrill or panicky. (And I REALLY apologize to my son!) I flew in Southeast Asia where people wanted to kill me but I am actually more afraid now of what could happen to our country in a very short time than I was then. If you think turning over the civil service to incompetent sycophants is bad just imagine doing the same to the finest military in the world.

I think the best way to think about this is in terms of Pascal’s Wager regarding believing in God. In this case if we are right about Trump and his accomplices then we can (hopefully) stop a dangerous threat to the country. If we are wrong then the worst that could happen is . . . nothing.

Sadly, I’m not even sure how best to fight this but we have to start somewhere. It’s pretty wimpy but a call or a letter to our congressional representatives seems like a good place (although certainly won’t be enough.) We need to light a fire under them; no more polite hand wringing and pearl clutching. We need them to take up the same tactics that the Republicans that have brought us this mess have used so brilliantly over the last many years and do some serious crotch kicking (sorry for the metaphor but it seems appropriate under the conditions.).

You are all smart people so I urge you to research and think about this deeply and if you agree even a little please share this with friends and neighbors, even people who you think might disagree. They might just love our country enough to understand that what is going on is really bad for everyone.

It's time to get off our . . .

As an example here’s my letter and contact info:   (Congressional Contact)  Senate Contact

Congresswoman Omar/Sen. Klobuchar/Sen. Smith:

The time for polite discussion and disagreement with this administration is over. This latest assault on the federal civil service in addition to the indiscriminate funding cutoff and attack on  “Trump Enemies” are just the beginning and clearly shows that all our worst fears about this president are coming true - it is time to fight back. I urge you to raise your voice every day and in every way with people on both sides of the aisle. Surely some of your Republican peers can see where this is heading – there are hundreds of thousands of Republican jobs at risk as well as depending on other important programs.

We have all been far too docile and silent for fear of seeming silly or paranoid. Well, it is time for us all to grow a backbone and follow the same rules of engagement that the radical rightwing has in forcing Project 2025 on the country. Time is running out for our democracy and our nation.

Thank you for your consideration,

D Roger Pederson

LtCol USAFR (Retired)

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.

The Real Dear Leader


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