The Winter Solstice - A Short History

Solstice 2021 The Greatest Day of the Year Most people that know me know that the winter solstice is my favorite day of the year. No, seriously it is and has been for a very long time. Why? Because it is the beginning of the end of the miserable darkness in the northern hemisphere, that's why! (Don't ask about it's evil twin in June.) My happiness comes at a cost however. T o explain why, I like to share stories, stories that might teach a lesson, perhaps warm the heart and hopefuly hasten the return of the sun. (But don't hold me to any of that.) I have cranked out a lot of stories over the years but sadly have been too busy to do so this year. (What, you think you can just whip one of these out in a couple hours?! To quote a very good friend of mine, "I have nothing to do and still can't get everything done.") But fear not, I have reached back to update and share one from several years ago. I hope you find it reassuring. Behold. Enjoying the Solsti...