Men, I tell you that we are under siege! It’s not just that women are now running companies, are the majority in college, taking over law schools and creeping up in medical school. No, this is getting REALLY serious - and frightening.

                             Amazons practicing post-male home management skills

There are two separate but related bits of news that I have stumbled upon that I think may have dire consequences for us guys, but you be the judge.

First, from Verve Magazine, scientists have discovered that apparently we guys perform spermicide on our own, you know . . . you know. Apparently somewhere along the line – perhaps after thousands of generations of nagging by wives tired of raising idiot children – our sperm voluntarily kills off some of our DNA so that (get this) the woman’s DNA can have, quote, “a bigger influence.” A bigger influence! My god, they already rule the world, what else could they possibly want?!

Now this does beg the question, however, would mankind be better off if we men had been allowed to share, as it were, our DNA wealth? I mean just looking at our current crop of political leaders it seems some genetic improvement could be possible.

But is that all or good enough? Oh no, not by half!

Elsewhere in the world of females, it seems the lady Cape honeybee has decided they are going to wash that man right out of their hair - permanently. Apparently, once they escape the queen bee they wander off and reproduce on their own with no help from the males. Of course who can you blame them; how attractive are a bunch of drones in the first place? (As an aside, you could have had an idea by visiting any number of military stag bars I once knew, er, ah, heard of.) Anyway, this is the sort of thing, that if it were to spread among people of the female persuasion, might just have a great impact on us guys, don’t you think? Well, on some of you anyway.

On a positive note, if women didn’t need us around anymore I guess we wouldn’t have to kill off any of our own DNA anymore either, right? No, wait . . . hmmm.

Anyway, hope for the best, men, and plan for the worst!


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