Look on the Brightside - With Music

Mrs Dear Leader and I each have a friend who is in hospice, friends of many years. Having also lost two of my closest buddies of over forty years just in the last year alone I think I can say, this really sucks. In fact, life has been tough for a lot of people the last few years and it's easy to get down about it. There's another way to think about this though. As difficult as it is, sad events like this should make us realize, no, remember that life is precious. Yup, we have a lot problems maybe individually and certainly as a country but you know what?  If you’re still vertical then things aren’t so bad and there's always hope. Nobody has ever called me a Pollyanna but maybe we could stop whining and realize how lucky we are? Okay, end of sermon. 

With that said it’s time to embrace the sweet fragrance of spring in Minnesota. The days are getting longer, golf courses are opening, lakes are turning from white to blue - can flip flops and sun dresses be far behind? Best of all, unlike last year there’s real hope that life is slowly returning to normal (whatever that is.)

I’ve always said that there’s nothing like music to be your personal time machine. (You can ask anyone, really, I have always said that.) Music will take you back to exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the song  - and just lived for the day.  I suggest you just do that, look for a favorite song from past and go there. Go ahead, give it a try.

Here’s a bunch of summer music (and other tunes with good memories) along with my recollections for your consideration. I apologize for how old most of these songs are but like most people I quit paying attention in my 30’s so these are what I know. Hopefully you’re old enough to remember at least some of them.

Pick a couple to play or find your own and ask yourself where you were then. Bet it’s a happy place!

Summer Song, Chad and Jeremy – 1964  

Holy mackerel, it’s true, a driver’s license and girls don’t mix.

Summer in the City, Lovin Spoonful - 1966    

Hot damn, they let me graduate from high school!

59th St Bridge Song  Simon & Garfunkel – 1967     

Spring quarter freshman year down on Park Point in Duluth. Listening to this it was very hard to not skip across that Aerial Lift bridge.

Hot Fun in the Summer Time, Sly and Family Stone – 1969    

Between my junior and senior year in college, road trip with three other cadets (French for idiots) to ROTC summer camp in Spokane WA - legally drinking beer and listening to Sly (and Steppenwolf!)

Green-Eyed Lady, Sugarloaf – 1970 

My God, can it be over 50 years since they let me graduate from college AND gave me those brown bars? I wandered off to AF navigator school in the divorce capital of the country, Sacramento - yowser! This song seemed always to be playing as I was nodding off in my radar scope every time before takeoff on early morning training flt's – that sort of fluke kinda sticks with you.

Summer Breeze  (Possibly the greatest summer song – and video – ever done.) Seals and Croft – 1972

I was just starting AF career, flying around the world in the giant, globe-girdling C-130 without a care in the world. In some officer's club in Turkey the pilot, Johhny Mac, taught the young lieutenant navigator to love martini's - bastard! Anyway, a very good year (except for a little detour to Vietnam.)

Piano Man Billy Joel – 1973 

Back to SEA and Thailand accompanied by the Piano Man – “There’s someplace he’d rather be. . .” Still, it all worked out.

Find Your Place in the Sun Pablo Cruise – 1978   

Turning thirty was such a drag - says the old guy 43yrs later! - but at least there was still really good music.

We Are Family  Sister Sledge – 1979

Okay, it’s disco but good disco – and nice way to introduce our son to the family.

Hey Nineteen  Steely Dan – 1980

Well, if I’m going to welcome a daughter to family too what better than possibly the greatest music group ever, The Dan!

Walking on Sunshine Katrina and the Waves – 1983  

If you can sit still while this is playing there is something seriously wrong with you – especially if you have two young kids!

Boys of Summer (Close 2nd to “Summer Breeze”) Don Henley – 1984   

A family man and inching closer to being one of Henley’s boys of summer. (FYI - It’s actually a sad song but it’s still great tune.)

Smooth Santana   Rob Thomas -1999  

"Give me your heart, make it real or else forget about it" Got my MA and met future Mrs Dear Leader - it was very good year.

And to at least get into the 21st century and prove there’s still great music - and memories - out there.

Clocks  Coldplay - 2002

Hall of Fame The Script - 2012 (You gotta see this video)

Well, I could suggest a ton more of good songs but it’s time to do something functional – like study for our Italian class. (Yeah, Buon giorno to you too!)

Okay, one more. Since we’re reminiscing, we might as well end with this - what the hell, enjoy it while you can!

It Was a Very Good Year, Frank Sinatra


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