Star Tribune Articles - Voter Suppression Mar 7 Trump Still Controls GOP Mar 8 2021
Clearly something is not right with a huge group of our
fellow citizens who cling to the coat tails of a known liar and seditionist. And now,
apparently since democracy isn’t working for them, they also want to restrict
the right to vote.
I read the article about the Republicans nationwide working
hard to make voting “safe from fraud” and, like many people who actually care
about democracy and the right to vote, I was outraged. After further consideration,
I believe they are still wrong but I now think they deserve at least a little
understanding; even before they allowed themselves to be hijacked by that corrupt,
east coast grifter they had some mental health issues.
Starting with St Ronny Reagan with his assault on unions and
goofy trickledown economics, they began to drift off the road of being a
functional political party. Aided by guys like Newt Gingrich and Trump, they
are so far off road now that it seems unlikely they will survive without some
sort of major intervention. Don’t get me wrong, Democrats don’t have all the
answers. In fact, they really need a strong opposition party to keep them from
heading down the rabbit hole of their dumbest ideas. Sadly, that is not today’s
Republicans. Luckily, I think I know what’s wrong with the Republicans. Among several
issues, it’s a condition called Munchausen by Proxy. Bear with me.
This is a very real and rare disease - at least outside of
Republican circles - where the afflicted individual causes some sort of injury
to someone close to them so that they can turn around and be recognized as a
caregiver or savior for that person. Now I ask you, how else would you describe
the recent odd behavior in which Republicans have circulated a ridiculous story
(created by said liar) and repeated it over and over (with a riot or two thrown
in) thus causing great concern among certain people whom they can now “save” by
restricting the vote to only those they deem eligible? Yup, Munchausen. (Although
that sounds better than what it really is, voter suppression.)
As for treatment, it might be challenging for them but I
would suggest a ten-step program that covers at least: democracies, the Voting
Rights Act and human empathy. (Maybe the Constitution but with focus on other
amendments besides the Second.)
I wish them good luck and many years of therapy ahead.
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