McMasions and Dog Poo Apps – hmmm.

It’s why I read the paper, to see just how many ideas it gives me to write about.

Today there was an article about large – McMansions? - homes not selling very fast at all especially when compared to less expensive homes. What is the surprise in this??

I am always shocked when other people are shocked about developments that were pretty obvious to see coming. I have been predicting for years that if you own a large home that you don't intend to live in until you keel over it might be best to vacate sooner rather than later. Everyone should have seen it coming. With a slower growing (and faster aging) population and a much smaller group of people with the income to purchase these big homes - especially in the distant suburbs - the future was not going to look like the past. (A lesson we continually seem to need to relearn.)

As noted by much smarter people than me – which is most – the trouble right now really is out in the suburbs. You can sell a complete dump for 500k in a desirable part of Minneapolis or the close in suburbs but I think this too shall pass. There really are only so many people that will be willing to pay 500k for some joint that happens to be near light rail and 200 cute, new restaurants. It’s a declining demographic - and that’s a good thing!

The fact that we continue to over inflate the value of a possession that is just supposed to be a place to live in only makes life more difficult for our kids and grandkids. For their sake I hope that everyone gets saner about this home ownership thing than we were - and refuse to go along with the housing - industrial complex siren’s song. (Not to be confused with the healthcare - industrial complex or education - industrial complex.)

Finally, no, I didn’t forget the dog poo app. It should be obvious that many of the current and future potential buyers are not going to be terribly interested in the time and effort of keeping one of these behemoths running. As more evidence of this I offer the recent article about a dog poo app that’s coming out. A dog poo app; a smartphone app to get some poor Uber-like sap to come and clean up your dog’s business (No, unfortunately I'm not kidding.) Does it seem likely that people that are too lazy to clean up after their own dog will be interested in mowing and clipping and cleaning triple garages?

Of course they could hire all those things too but that kind of cuts into on their foodie and craft beer budgets.

C’est la vie.

(More on foodies, beer snobs and coffee snobs later when I stop crying about the dog poo app.)


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