Come on, Thelma, get the kids packed we're gonna go see Noah's Ark!

I have got to make some new travel plans for the summer, Noah’s Ark is opening up in (ta da!) Kentucky.

By that I mean it’s the real ark. Well, okay a replica of it but this is the real deal - It’s 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits which, I think, is pretty big so it must be real!

I know that there are some out there who don’t think that the Ark story is true but really, how difficult is it to believe a guy and his kids were able to herd seven pairs of every freaking creature on earth onto a boat and take care of them for 40 days? Sheesh, come on! Anyway, the guy who built this is a former science teacher from Australia so it must be true. (Former might be a key word.)

In this exhibit, apparently there are also little statues of many of the creatures that old Noah took on board (they couldn’t display them all because there wasn’t enough room. No, wait, hmmm.) Well, anyway, they did have room for the two dinosaurs (I’m impressed that they could figure out which was a girl dinosaur and which was the guy but that’s another story.)

                    Kids enjoy seeing replicas of the dinosaurs just like those on Noah’s ark

Again, I know what you’re thinking; how in the heck were there dinosaurs around when this event apparently happened just a few thousand years ago but dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago? Well a lot YOU know! I mean everyone knows that the earth was created in seven days about 6000 years ago. Again, sheesh.

A lot of folks are going to visit and bring their kids which I think is great. Kids can understand what old Noah and his family had to go through for 40 days and 40 nights with all those stinky animals. Also they now have "proof" of what their mom’s and dad’s and the Old Testament have told them versus, you know, actual science and facts and things. Science? We don’t need no stinking science!

Well, the REALLY good news is that they built this fine example of truth not far from the Creation Museum which is (oddly - or not) also located in Kentucky. Perhaps they can float the Ark down the Ohio river a ways and join the museum that very earnestly tells the true creation story (said seven days and seven nights as well as how the Adam and Eve’s kids played with their pet dinosaurs.)

I, for one, think that combining these two attractions could really help with this country’s problem of too many people using critical thinking - how about you?


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