Okay so we’ve all seen pictures of pretty dogs that make us smile and go oooo and ahhh, right?  But have you ever seen anything as cute as my Prudie? Of course not! Yet in a world that is clearly on the highway to hell Prudence doesn’t care. And why is that you may ask? Well of course I’ll tell you!

I read somewhere that one of the things that makes dogs (okay, and pretty much all other creatures as well) so loving and equanimous about life is that they have no concept of time. I know, I know, we all understand that dogs can’t tell time, an hour or a day is basically the same to them. What I mean is that they have no idea about the past or future, they only understand the present. That means, of course, that they also don’t know about the great bugaboo of humans, mortality. You know, if we weren’t constantly obsessing about the fact that we’re all going to tip over at some point our current life could be really . . . swell. Think how simple life could be that if instead of worrying about the election or your neighbor’s yard or if your friends like you, you could simply love your family and friends and they love you - and when in doubt, take a nap - sweet!

There is an ironic and interesting side story to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, of which Prudie is one, and that is that they don’t have a real long life as dogs go. On average they only live about 10-11 years - a large majority of them die young of heart problems. You know why? Because we humans bred them like that. That’s right, in our God-like behavior we cross breed dogs and plants and damn near everything else as it suits our whims and, well, if makes us happy then who cares about them!? Luckily, Prudie doesn’t know or care . . . because she’s a dog!

Well, I’m not going to worry about it either then. She’s only three now and if she doesn’t know about the future then I’ll pretend I don’t either. We’ll take our walks and our naps together and hope for the best.

Would that the rest of life were so simple!



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